Confirm Eligibility The questions (and answers) on this page will help you determine whether or not you meet the basic criteria necessary in order to apply for a grant from the Foundation. Are you approved by the IRS as a not-for-profit organization under code 501 (c) (3) or other IRS not-for-profit tax-exempt category?* Yes No You are not eligible to apply at this time. Please read the Application Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions. If you think you have received this response in error, please contact us.Do you have significant activities in one or more of the following designated areas within the State of South Carolina: Berkeley County, Charleston County, Dorchester County, the community of Newberry, and/or the community of Joanna?* Yes No You are not eligible to apply at this time. Please read the Application Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions. If you think you have received this response in error, please contact us.Have you received a grant from The Joanna Foundation in the current or previous calendar year?* Yes No You are not eligible to apply at this time. Please read the Application Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions. If you think you have received this response in error, please contact us.Have you submitted a Letter of Intent (LOI) to The Joanna Foundation in the current calendar year that was accepted and reviewed?* Yes No You are not eligible to apply at this time. Please read the Application Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions. If you think you have received this response in error, please contact us.Congratulations! It appears that you meet basic eligibility criteria at this time. Please read the Application Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions. Δ