Grant Reporting Requirements


In evaluating applications, The Joanna Foundation trustees look for opportunities where a small amount of money might make a sizable difference. We try to keep requirements simple. The primary purposes of the Grant Report are to let you: (1) confirm that the funds were spent appropriately, and (2) tell us about the impact(s) of the grant.

Responsibilities of the Grantee

Grantees are responsible for: (1) acknowledging receipt of the Grant Report form; and (2) submitting the completed Grant Report in a timely fashion. 

Due Date 

The Joanna Foundation expects that grant funds will be expended within 12 months of notification. The Grant Report form is included with other grant acceptance forms at the time of grant notification. The due date is 12 months from date of signature on the DocuSign forms. The Grant Report may be submitted at any time during this period if you are ready to make a final report.

How to Submit

When you are ready to prepare the report, download a fillable version of the Grant Report form at the link below. Save the form to your drive and rename it before beginning to enter information. Send the completed Grant Report to

Grant Report Form


Follow instructions. Be concise. You may highlight your success with metrics and/or anecdotal information. You may include images, graphics, a newsletter or annual report, and the like. Questions may be addressed to