The window for submitting a new LOI is CLOSED. In the most recent LOI cycle, the maximum number of applications was received in less 5 minutes. Information about 2025 due dates will be posted here soon.
The Joanna Foundation is a two-part process. The first requirement is to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). After reviewing the LOIs, we invite a limited number of full proposals. Organizations may submit only one LOI in a calendar year unless specifically invited to re-submit. Please read our Grant Policies for additional requirements.
Submission Schedule
The Joanna Foundation has three funding cycles per year. Each cycle has a specific window for submission. The window will open at 10 AM on the start date and close at 5 PM on the same date or earlier if a maximum capacity of twenty-five (25) eligible submissions is reached. In the event of early closure, potential applicants will be notified as quickly as possible via posts to this website, blitz mail, auto-responders and individual email replies.
Early submissions and late submissions will not be accepted.
- Cycle 1: January 8
- Cycle 2: April 8
- Cycle 3: August 8
As noted above, the window may close early if the volume of submissions is high. Early closure has become a frequent occurrence.
Confirm Eligibility — DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!
Organizations that receive funding in one year are not eligible to submit during the following calendar year. This policy is firm. Complete the online eligibility survey each time you consider applying.
Save the LOI Form to your drive with a new name before starting.
CLICK HERE to access the LOI Form. Using your browser’s File menu to select “Export as PDF,” save the form to your drive and re-name it using the following format: <JF Your Organization Name LOI>. The form is an Adobe fillable form that must be completed using Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. (Download Adobe Reader for free here.) Do not try to complete the form on-line; save it and work on it on your own drive. Follow the instructions in the form.