The third and final grant cycle of 2018 will open on Sept. 1 and close when the number of eligible pre-proposals reaches 25 or at 5 pm on Sept. 15, whichever occurs first. The cutoff points are firm. The window will close no later than 5 pm on the 15th even if that date falls on a weekend or holiday. If the maximum number is reached before the time, the automatic reply on the submission mailbox will be changed as quickly as possible to reflect the situation and an individualized email will be sent to the submitter’s mailbox.
We continue to be impressed by your interest in our small foundation and excited by your creativity and dedication to the community. Each time you consider submitting, please be sure to read the guidelines again, download a fresh version of the application form, and complete the eligibility self-questionnaire to make sure your organization is currently eligible. Many thanks!