
Springing ahead!

In a few days, our clocks will “spring ahead” to Daylight Savings Time. The redbuds, azaleas and pollen count all indicate that our area is not waiting for the official start of spring at the equinox. The Joanna Foundation is…

Next grant cycle will open January 1, 2018

The 2017 season for requesting funds from The Joanna Foundation is closed. The 2018 season will open on January 1. Pre-proposals will be accepted 01/01-01/15/2018 on a first-come, first-served basis, until 5 PM on January 15 or when the number of eligible pre-proposals…

Next grant cycle will open Sept. 1

The third and final grant cycle of the year will open for receipt of new pre-proposals on Sept. 1 and  close when the number of eligible pre-proposals reaches 25 or at 5 pm on Sept. 15, whichever occurs first.  We…