
Now accepting pre-proposals for the Summer Cycle

The window for submitting pre-proposals is open as of April 1! We will accept up to 25 pre-proposals for review. Pre-proposals will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The window for submission will close when the number of eligible pre-proposals reaches…

Next pre-proposal due date is April 15; window opens April 1

The Joanna Foundation offers three pre-proposal due dates during the year: January 15 April 15 September 15 A pre-proposal is required for further consideration. Submittals must be sent to the Foundation’s submission mailbox. The “Contact Us” dialog box  on the web site is for questions and comments; it…

Window for applications is now closed

The window for submitting pre-proposals for the January 15, 2016 due date is closed.  We will start accepting pre-proposals for the next grant cycle on April 1.  Please review the guidance for applying on the Grants (How to Apply) page…

Happy New Grant Year!

The window for receipt of pre-proposals for our Winter  2016 Cycle is open as of January 1.  The window will close at 5 pm on January 15 or when the number of eligible pre-proposals received hits 25—whichever comes first. Questions…

Now accepting pre-proposals for the Fall cycle

The Joanna Foundation will accept up to 25 pre-proposals for the September due date The window for submitting pre-proposals is open as of September 1. The total number of pre-proposals accepted for review will be 25. Pre-proposals will be accepted…