
Window for Pre-Proposals is closed

The window for submitting pre-proposals to The Joanna Foundation for Cycle 1 2019 is now closed. As of 2:20 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, January 15, we reached the maximum number of 25 eligible pre-proposals. The next window for submissions…

Happy New Year!

The window for new pre-proposals is now open. We will continue to accept pre-proposals from eligible applicants until 5 pm on January 15 or when we reach the magic number of 25, whichever comes first. If the window closes early,…

Window is now closed for pre-proposal submissions

We have reached the maximum number of pre-proposal applications for this cycle and can accept no additional submissions. Applications date-stamped after 6:30 PM, Thursday, September 13 will not be accepted for review. We appreciate the strong interest shown by numerous…